There are two (2) options to customize the background for the Picture-in-Picture. Sponsors are allowed to provide only a logo/banner or a full picture. All images and supporting materials should be sent to EAACI for uploading into the platform.
Source file format: .psd, .ai
Option 1 : The sponsor is able to customize the banner at the top left.
Banner dimensions: 500x120px (WxH) - 500 px is the maximum width
Format: source file, ai or psd
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Option 2 : The sponsor is able provide a picture that will be used as a background, please keep in mind that some areas as shown in the below image will be hidden by the slide and the speaker camera.
Picture dimensions: 1920x1080 (WxH)
Format: source file, ai or psd
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Here is an example :
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The final design will be sent to the sponsor for validation prior the congress