Digital Video Advertisement

This EAACI advertisement is in the form of a modal window banner that is positioned in the bottom/right corner of the user’s browser in two prime positions (please check with the event prospectus how many model windows are offered in the package).

Please check the specific event sponsorship prospectus for this item that may be either labelled as #ADV2X.15 or VIR_ADV2X.03X (depending on the size of the event).

Technical term: Modal window, is a window that allows the user to interact with it. The user is not able to close the modal window until a specific time (6 seconds) has passed .


Format: mp4, no sound, max. 10 sec
File size: max. 2MB
Ad size: Square (600 x 600px) or Rectangle (640 x 360px)
Call to action title: 60 characters (including spaces) - Note: "Close Ad" text in bottom right of modal window is not included and is automatic text (see image below)
Call to action URL: One hyperlink permitted (Example: guide the user to a Symposium, Exhibition or External URL) - user clicks anywhere on the modal window to access the hyperlink.

Please send your video to 

Explanation of sequence: For each unique delegate multiple sponsor advertisements will rotate randomly but evenly among the total number of sponsor ads.  Each unique user on the platform will be shown only one sponsor advertisement on each page they land on with the “Digital Video Advertisement” product on it. However the entire group of advertisements will be shown in random sequence on the platform until all have been viewed. Then the random sequence will reset in the user journey.