
The Agenda is an important feature that provides the delegate vital information on the details of the Industry Symposia. This agenda information is also vital to the functionality on the back-end of the Symposia system and administration of the speaker/chair management. All the information can be modified following the first submission.

Preliminary submission requirements :
Preliminary Session title
Scientific Category - the allergy field classification
Preliminary information on Chairs & Speakers : Firstname, Lastname, Email, Phone number, City, Country (even if not invited by the sponsor yet - EAACI will not contact these speakers until approved by sponsor)
Preliminary presentation titles and proposed speaker(s)

Once a sponsor has purchased their industry session on the  EAACI Online Sponsor Platform (ESOP) , EAACI requires the above preliminary details to be provided through an online submission platform as soon it as possible (link to be provided here on this page soon).

The final agenda/symposium Programme for all EAACI Industry sessions can be submitted at the latest 4 weeks prior to the event date. Once approved by the sponsor this final information will be used in EAACI promotions and publications etc,

EAACI would also like to avoid any double bookings of speakers and chairs within the industry symposia. Therefore, all sponsors are required to adhere to the specified EAACI Industry Speaker/Chairs Rules & Regulations on (applies to both onsite and live digital industry symposia) - see below pdf

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