Push Notifications (Pop-ups) for Industry Activity

The specifications on this page refer to the sponsor items #ADV2X.07.01, #ADV2X.07.02 and VIR_ADV2X.07X

Specifications for all Pop-ups / when submitting content for this sponsor item...
Each notification must define:
    Title: max 60 characters (including spaces)
    Description: Body text: max 145 characters (including spaces)
    By clicking this notification users are redirected to an external URL
    By clicking this notification users are redirected to a specific session page inside the mobile app
    By clicking this notification users are redirected to a specific booth page inside the mobile app
    Publication Date and time (when is notification is triggered)
    Notification may included 1 image (Square size, JPEG) - to be embedded in the message (1.5.24 update - available now on EAACI digital platforms, and the EAACI Mobile App notification).

Important notes for all Pop-ups
  • Limitations are dependent on the specific EAACI event (see event prospectus for detail)
  • Limited to 1 pop-up notification per symposium / activity
  • Each sponsor purchase on the ESOP = only 1 notification (multiple purchases possible)
  • A company may book a max. of 4 push notification per day (on both Mobile App and Digital platform)
  • Please consider that specific Rules & Regulations for EAACI logo usage and product advertisement apply (see event prospectus for detail)
  • All submissions will be subject to EAACI approval

Please send your content to  sponsors@eaaci.org  and make reference to the product code of the sponsor item in the submission subject heading.

Event Mobile App Push Notifications (Pop-ups)

If the delegate has agreed to receive push notifications, the message will pop-up directly on the lock screen of the users mobile. All other delegates will be able to see the message within the EAACI events app under "Latest News". See below examples of the notifications on the App.

Image size/format: 16x9 (1920x1080px)

Some EAACI events may not be included in the EAACI Mobile Application.

Digital Platform Push Notifications (Pop-ups)

The delegate will be able to see notifications only if he is currently browsing the EAACI digital platform. If the participant will miss or skip a notification, it will be possible to browse them all from the notification area indicated in the top right corner of the browser. EAACI will enable a pop-up notification (modal window) on the delegate’s browsers. Images below.

Technical term: Modal window, is a window that forces the user to interact with it.

This pop-up will include
  • company name
  • activity or symposia date/time
  • title / activity
  • direct link to virtual booth, if available

The user will be able to see notifications only if his is currently browsing the digital platform. If he will miss or skip a notification, he will be able to browse them all from the notification area indicated in the top right corner of his browser.