EAACI congress & event registrations

This section contains information below about registrations for all EAACI congresses and events:
  • Complimentary EAACI registrations
  • step by step instructions to register a MyEAACI account
  • Group Registrations (keep scrolling down the page to see help instructions)
  • Creating your profile
  • Dashboard view
  • How to edit your personal profile (As a Group Manager)
  • How to edit your company
  • How to add a representative to your company
  • Group registrations and overview
  • How to Register a group
  • How to add and edit attendees, apply for visas & understand event fees

Complimentary EAACI registrations

Updated 17/11/21 - The information on this page pertains to ALL complimentary registrations for any EAACI Congresses and Events. For more information on EAACI Congress and Event registrations or the associated processes please contact  registration@eaaci.org .

Each registered participant of any EAACI digital event must first have a MyEAACI account (free to obtain ). It is vital that each delegate is responsible for their own personal data and therefore confirms certain information is accurate within our system.

Please follow the initial steps below first to identify if each persons profile exists and has a MyEAACI account (updated info/process as of 17.11.21).
    Fill in ALL the required information in the spreadsheet below and send the completed file to EAACI at  registration@eaaci.org  EAACI will provide feedback on whether each person already exists in the MyEAACI database.
    EAACI will reply to your email with the details of the people without a MyEAACI account.
    All people on this list (either with or without a MyEAACI account) will then be registered by EAACI on the event digital platform. They will all be informed by automated email about the next steps to complete.

Below is an example of the following steps each person will need to follow, once they receive an automated email asking them to finalise their own new MyEAACI account online and register themselves for an event.

---------------Step by step instructions to register--------------------------
1 - Invitation email sent to a person ready to create a new MyEAACI Account and register for an EAACI event (example below)

2 - Please ensure all the mandatory fields are completed

3 - Important note: some mandatory fields are very important to note.
  • Q: Do you have license to prescribe medicine
  • Q: Are you employed by a pharmaceutical company  

4 - Membership type: select, I would like to create a free EAACI Membership

5 - Summary Overview. You can always go back to the previous steps to make changes to your profile.

Also, here you can select a different billing address should you wish it to be different from the main address you will provide in the first step.

6 - Accept the Terms and Conditions, then Submit.


Group Registrations

All EAACI sponsors are required to setup an account on the Group Registration system.  Click here  to access the Group registration system. The first steps will require a user to setup/fill in certain details. EAACI will approve each individual account on the backend of the system.

All affiliates and agencies (worldwide) of EAACI sponsors will be required to setup an account/profile which will be linked to an EAACI sponsor.

How to - Set up a company profile and register delegates

If you already have a MyEAACI Account and wish to set up a Company profile, please send an email to  registration@eaaci.org  and an account will be created on your behalf. Please include the below details:
  • Company Name
  • Company Manager (Name and email address)
  • VAT Number
  • Contact Number
  • Company Address
  • Country

Once the request is complete, the group manager will have full access to the company account and will be able to make any required changes.

If you Do Not have a MyEAACI account, please  click here  and follow the process.

Creating your profile for users without a MyEAACI / Company account

To create a new company registration:
    Click on “ Register Now 
    Proceed with the steps by completing all the mandatory fields with your company details. The more information you provide, the easier it is to identify your company

3. Enter the personal details of the Group Manager

4. Click on “Submit”
5. The request will be sent to EAACI for approval. Once approved, you will be able to access the Group Registration Portal.

Dashboard view

How to edit your personal profile (As a Group Manager)

    Your company profile can be easily edited by clicking on “Profile” from the navigation tab, then “update profile”

How to edit your company & what can you do

    Click on “Company”, then “Edit” to update and make changes to your company profile, such as VAT info, Address etc.
    From your Company profile you can add or delete representatives allocated to your company

How to add a representative to your company

    Click on “Add” from the right corner of the company section
    Enter the personal details of the representative you wish to add
    Role: Chose the appropriate role of the representative. The role type determines the permission the added user will have.

Group registrations and overview

    Click on “Group registrations” where you will see a complete overview of all the upcoming EAACI meetings as well as:
  • Current Group Registrations
  • Past Group Registrations

How to Register a group

    Click on “Group Registration” where you will see a selection of the available meetings, then click on “Register” to start the process of your preferred meeting.
    Enter your Group Registration Name
    Please select whether your attendees are attending “physically” or “digitally” (Please note, as per VAT/accounting reasons, a separate registration is required for each attendance type)

How to add attendees

    There are two (2) ways to adding attendees:
  • Add existing MyEAACI users
  • Add non-existing MyEAACI users

Adding Existing MyEAACI users
When adding users with an existing MyEAACI account, it is mandatory to provide their EAACI number and email address. As soon the provided details are correct the system will automatically identify them.

In any case which you cannot identify a user please contact them directly to provide you their number and email address which they are using at the MyEAACI portal.

Adding non- existing MyEAACI users
Please add users without an existing MyEAACI account. An account will be created on their behalf and each individual user will be informed to finalize his/her profile and registration as soon your registration has been paid. Please be aware that you cannot add users in this section with an existing MyEAACI account.

    To edit the attendee details, click on “Show More”
    Should the attendee require a visa invitation, simple enable the button and the system will automatically generate the visa invitation.
    Based on the Attendee membership type, the events fees will be automatically calculated

Submit & Pay
    Check your registration overview before you submit and Pay
    You can verify the validity of VAT number issued by any Member State by selecting that Member State from drop-down menu provided in this section.