Digital Event Bag

The sponsors advertising or branding message in digital form is displayed for the congress participant to access in their unique user congress profile in a digital congress bag (sponsor item #ADV2X.03 OR VIR_ADV2X.15X). This information will then be possible to save in the participants favourites items. More information is available on the EAACI Sponsor Online Platform (ESOP) .

600 x 615 px (png)
Small thumbnail before pop up expands
Main Image
815 x 400 px (png)
Top banner when pop up expands
Main Title
Up to 80 characters (with spaces)
Shown always
Company Name
Up to 20 characters (with spaces)
Shown always
Up to 1000 characters (with spaces)
Description can include video file.
Description can include company logo.
Full text shown when pop up is expanded
Action Button Title
Up to 20 characters (with spaces)
  • Download File
  • Download PDF
  • View Brochure
  • Visit Website
Action Button
  • Download PDF
  • Download Image
  • External URL
Please define the action when the button is clicked.
  • User will download a pdf file
  • User will open an external link