Data Analytics - Heatmap

Visualize user behaviour. A heatmap is designed to visually represent where users click, move, and scroll on your site. Heatmaps reveal what traditional analytics data do not tell you. See what visitors actually do on your website and where they get confused or stuck, and get their in-the-moment feedback to improve the experience.
Included in the range of metrics EAACI provides now is data on the participant interactions with our specific digital platform sponsor assets. This includes the currently only digital exhibition pages. Industry symposia pages (coming soon) and certain other sponsor items (coming soon) will be added in the future. A full list of sponsor items EAACI provides heatmap interactions are below.
  • Discover what attracts attention - See what elements users are drawn towards, and the parts they completely miss.
  • Learn what gets ignored - Learn exactly where users stop scrolling and leave with scroll maps.
  • Compare desktop, tablet, and mobile - Learn how behaviour changes depending on the device your user is on.
See below a screen shot on the specific exhibition heatmap EAACI makes available to sponsors (on request).