Advanced Company Profile in the Mobile App

Depending on the size and format of the EAACI event, the EAACI Mobile App may not be used or available for promotional purposes. Please check the specific sponsorship prospectus for this item may be either labelled as #ADV2X.05 or VIR_ADV2X.05X (depending on the size of the event).

As congresses become more and more digital, the mobile app will be a key vehicle for delivering programme and other important information to delegates.

The sponsor gets the possibility to add a company logo and up to three different images in the company profile. The profile is accessible via the exhibitor and sponsor list in the industry section of the EAACI Mobile App.

Specifications for images (examples below):
  • Company Logo: png or jpg image with dimensions: 600 x 600px (up to 2 MB)
  • Background image (maximum one): png or jpg image with dimensions: 1200 x 600px (up to 2 MB)
  • Sliding advertisement (up to three permitted): png or jpg image with dimensions: 1280 x 480px (up to 2 MB)

Clickable links are not possible to be included with the above-mentioned images

If EAACI does not receive the requested images by the deadline in the prospectus, the company profile will be published with the company logo only.

Company Logo Image example

Background Image example

Sliding advertisement Image example