The information below provides technical specifications for the Direct Delegate Advertising product item #ADV2X.20 or #VIR_ADV2X.20X
Sponsors display their brand or advertising message within the delegate profile/networking area of the event digital platform (see images below).
Advertisement is shown in all pages of the delegates experience:
Edit Profile
Activity Challenge
Attendees List
Chat Messages
Attendance & CME Certificates
Matchmaking (TBC)
My Agenda (TBC)
My Virtual bag (TBC)
Specifications for advertising in the delegate profile/networking area:
: 400 x 400 px (square)
: No video formats allowed
: A link may be provided by sponsor that is embedded in the advertisement (URL required with submission)
(on request is possible for the sponsor):
- Pharma Employee: All, Yes, No
- EAACI Member: All, Yes, No
- Prescriber: All, Yes, No
- Gender: All, Male, Female, Other
Image of digital Announcement placement
Image of a digital advertisement (image 1 example)
Image of a digital advertisement (image 2 example)