Full Page Advertisement in an e-Final Programme

This advertisement relates to the paid sponsor item (ADV2X.01 / VIR_ADV2X.01X - "Advertisement in the eFinal Programme"). EAACI Founder Sponsors also receive this advertisement as a privilege in their annual contracts at no charge for annual congress only (no need for FS to order the item for annual congress). Once the sponsor has ordered this item, EAACI will send a schedule to fill in their preferences.

In many cases (refer to the prospectus for confirmation of size offered) a full-page advertisement will be available to be included in the e-Final Programme and positioned on the events digital platform for review or download. This is a static PDF document displayed in the formatted as per the screen shots below.

Dimensions: (no bleed / printing marks necessary)
Full page - 210 x 297 mm (WxH)
Half page - 210 x 148 mm (WxH)
Format: PDF

Further information:
  • See below information on selecting your preference of slots
  • Silver Founder Sponsors must only submit a half page advertisement as per their FS contract. All others must submit a full page advertisement
  • All material submissions need to be sent 1 month prior to the event at the latest

Please send your preferences and advertisement to:  sponsors@eaaci.org 

The e-Final programme is available for all EAACI events from the main digital platform menu (see below example image) by selecting "Download Programme".

Examples below.

To submit your preferences please download the following template below, fill in the following:
  • Company name - on page 1
  • Fill in the column titled "Your order" with a number for each blue box with all numbers from 1 to 22 - on page 2
(incomplete forms will not be accepted)

Download a document soon with all the positions of the e-final programme allocated.