Metrics / individual sponsor statistics - specific instructions

Sponsors have the option to ask for a metrics report (example below) - approximately sent two weeks following the congress or event (must be purchased separately as an additional module)

EAACI and the IT development team must verify the data and its accuracy by making sure all sources/links etc are valid. There are many sources of data that must be tied together before a final link is shared with the sponsor.

Important points to note about EAACI digital metrics.
  • The above unique link is an open html link. There is no password. Please be aware of with whom you share your metrics link with.
  • Each report page takes up to 10-15 seconds to load due to lot of data processing
  • Sponsors are provided with the option to export each set of data/module/tab by moving the mouse arrow over the data/chart and then clicking the 3 dots on the module itself
  • Sponsors are provided with the option to filter by elements and see the specific audience which interacted with that element (Filters in top section of the screen – click on the drop-down arrow to see the options)
  • The statistics/report pages will remain active, and sponsors will be able to source the data anytime until 6 months following the event date
  • At the bottom of this email are some FAQ`s from previous users of the platform
Some other more information, to understand better the reports:
In each report you can filter the data by using the top filtering tool – they are able to be Filtered with several values and criteria (Filters in top section of the screen – click on the drop-down arrow to see the options)
    Booth statistics (if applicable)
    Statistics from Exhibition area, per booth
    For individual exhibitions with more than one booth, a filter tool can be used for each specific booth, by selecting it from the top filters called “Booth”
    Filters are also available for employed by a pharma company, license to prescribe medicine, main working place, profession, and gender.
    Sponsorship items (if applicable)
    Statistics from your digital advertising items, per asset
    Filters are also available for each Item, employed by a pharma company, license to prescribe medicine, main working place, profession, and gender.
    Some sponsorship items can also include the ways (banners and click through buttons etc) how your Industry sessions was accessed by the user on the EAACI digital platform. These are listed below (if applicable) - see further illustrations below
    Industry Sponsor Sessions – Calendar
    Industry Sponsor Sessions – Join Session
    Industry Sponsor Sessions – Popup Click
    Industry Sponsor Sessions – List
    Industry Sponsor Sessions – Timeline
    Lobby Ads left – Impression (number of times users move their mouse over the asset)
    Lobby Ads left – Popup (number of times the advertisement is opened by users)
    Lobby Ads left – Click (number of click-throughs once the advertisement is opened by users)
    Digital Congress Bag – Popup
    Digital Congress Bag – Card
    Symposia (if applicable)
    Statistics from all your sessions
    You can filter session title for each individual session (if applicable)
    Filters are also available for employed by a pharma company, license to prescribe medicine, main working place, gender and age groups.
    Symposia in Time
    Graph showing how many people in total were watching the live streaming during your session

Industry Sponsor Sessions – Calendar view
Users can access the session through the Programme Agenda item under “Programme” on the top menu.

Industry Sponsor Sessions – Join session
Users can access the session “Join Session” locate on the EAACI landing page in a prominent position.
Image to be included soon.
Industry Sponsor Sessions – Popup Click
Users can access the session via a pop up notification (if applicable) on the digital platform.
Image to be included soon.

Industry Sponsor Sessions – List
Users can access the session through the Industry Programme item under “Programme” on the top menu.

Lobby Ads left – Impression

Number of times users move their mouse over the asset)

What is the difference between “Visitors” and “Views”?
The tag “Visitors” refers to the number of unique users/delegates that visited the sponsor asset/item (based on the filter parameters this will change of course).  The tag “Views” refers to the number of times ALL delegates clicked on your sponsor item. As an example, you (the user) access a digital booth today and you click a banner, you are then recorded as a “Visitor” for the first time clicking on one of the booth assets. Then you click it again after 1 hour, and again after 20 hours. All these clicks are recorded as 3 views.
What specific metrics and statistics are available to my company as a sponsor?
EAACI continues to develop its online Metrics platform to make available an array of statistics for its sponsors. The areas EAACI currently provides statistics on are digital booths, Symposia and any other digital sponsor items that can be linked online to our events and congress digital platforms.
How does the EAACI metrics platform work?
The EAACI IT development team uses a number of platforms (including google analytics) and tools to measure the user’s data. This data is linked to each user profile on MyEAACI which is why it is important for all delegates to complete/confirm their online details are accurate.
Is it possible to select a time period so we could follow the statistics after the congress separately?
Unfortunately, we are not able to measure time period, you are able to check again and compare the figures to the previous time you visited and adjust the dates in the top right corner. However, we are continually working on this feature to improve it.