Types of Digital Booths elements

The whole area on all elements are fully clickable regardless where the user clicks. A user does NOT have to click on the + icon to trigger the content of the element.

All clickable elements must have a Title (max 25 characters*, including spaces) with a “+” icon close to the element indicating that there is an action (as per mock-ups)

In all clickable elements and in general to the booth template is NOT allowed any html code to be inserted from the Exhibitor

*The + icon is not included in the 25 characters.
PDF Pop Up
Format: .pdf
File size: Max 5MB
External Links
URL to external website
Open always in new window, target = _blank
Content Pop Up
Rich text, can include images (max. 3 images)
Provide word document .docx
Can include styles bold, italic, bullet points, numbering
Internal Links
URL to internal Congress page - please inform us which page
Open always in same window, target = _self
Audio Pop Up
Format: .mp3, .wav, .mp4, .wma
Provide us the audio file through  wetransfer.com  (5MB max. size)
Any other Video Source Pop Up
Format: .mp4
Quality: 1080p full-HD or 720p m-HD
Provide us the video file through  wetransfer.com  (50MB max. size)
Downloadable File
Format: .pdf
File size: Max 5MB
Image Pop Up
Format: .jpg, Max. width 1000px
YouTube Video Pop Up
URL, YouTube Video ID
Provide YouTube URL - Can be hidden from your YouTube Channel