Additional Modules to add to the Digital Booth Packages

It is only necessary to purchase/add these modules to the Basic and Standard digital packages. The premium digital booth already includes all these modules in the package.

New "Additional Modules" (explanation)
EAACI has undertaken a big transformation in the way all digital Industry symposium and digital exhibition packages are offered to sponsors. In the past there were many features and add-ons that sponsors did not use or did not want in their packages. To simplify matters, EAACI now offers the basic package features with all ESOP bookings (at a reduced rate) and any additional features desired must be purchased through additional "modules" online. This allows all EAACI sponsors a basic digital presence on the EAACI event digital platform complimentary without huge overhead costs. These modules are explained throughout these help pages and are only available for digital exhibition and/or the digital elements of an Industry symposium.

Additional Video module - Digital Exhibition
The product code for this item will be indicated with VIR_EXH_MOD2X.01.
The video module package will include:
  • Up to 10 videos embedded within your digital exhibition package

For the specifications (type, format etc) on the video modules  click here 

See below example of the in-screen video.

Additional PDF module - Digital Exhibition
The product code for this item will be indicated with VIR_EXH_MOD2X.02

The PDF module package includes the following:
  • Up to 10 PDFs (per module) embedded within your digital exhibition package

Note: PDFs may be embedded within the booth elements on the digital booth page.

Additional Quick link module - Digital Exhibition
The product code for this item will be indicated with VIR_EXH_MOD2X.03

The quick link module package includes the following:
  • Add quick link boxes (1 per module) embedded within your digital exhibition package
  • Up to 3 maximum permitted
  •  Click here  for details of the quick link boxes

Note: Check to see details of the standard and premium packages as some are already included in the package. 

Additional Nav Bars module - Digital Exhibition
The product code for this item will be indicated with VIR_EXH_MOD2X.04

The Nav Bars module package includes the following:
  • Up to 10 Navigation Bars embedded within your digital exhibition package

For the more details (content allowed, functionality etc) on the Nav Bars module  click here 

Additional Adv Banner module - Digital Exhibition
The product code for this item will be indicated with VIR_EXH_MOD2X.05

The Advertising Banner module package includes the following:
  • Advertisement banners embedded within your digital exhibition package
  • Price per banner
  • Up to 3 permitted

For the specifications (type, format etc) on the Advertising banner module  click here 

Additional Chat module - Digital Exhibition
The product code for this item will be indicated with VIR_EXH_MOD2X.06

The Chat module package includes the following:
  • Access to the EAACI Tidio account (unique company account credentials provided to one admin person)
  • Up to 5 channels (1 channel for each company representative) - rep does not have to be a registered delegate of the event

For more information on the Chat module  click here 

Additional metrics module - Digital Exhibition
The product code for this item will be indicated with VIR_EXH_MOD2X.07

The module package includes the following:
  • Access to  individualised analytics online  (report)
  • Non-personal data/metrics on delegates visiting your digital exhibition booth
  • includes Delegate section, profession, workplace and other important data

Additional heatmap module - Digital Exhibition
The product code for this item will be indicated with VIR_EXH_MOD2X.08

The module package includes the following:
  • Access to an individualised analytics online report
  • The heatmap provides a visual representation of the delegates interaction with your exhibition digital booth page

For more information on the heatmap module  click here 

Additional leads module - Digital Exhibition
The product code for this item will be indicated with VIR_EXH_MOD2X.09

This separate sponsor item is designed as an add on for any sponsor with a digital exhibition booth that would like to receive/capture the unique data of each participant visiting their booth. Similar to data scanners in a Physical event, EAACI must put in place GDPR compliant measures to ensure each participant provides their permission for their personal data to be accessed by the exhibitor.
Please note: this sponsor item is included already in the Premium Digital Package (report available on request following the last event date).
The module package includes the following:
  • Data file containing personal information about the delegate

For more information on the data capture in this module  click here 

Additional hyperlink module - Digital Exhibition
The product code for this item will be indicated with VIR_EXH_MOD2X.10

The hyperlink module package includes the following:
  • Unlimited number of embedded hyperlinks within your digital exhibition package

External links may be embedded within the booth elements on the digital booth pages directing delegates to external Industry sources of information. A pop-up window will inform the delegate that they are leaving the event digital platform to another external website.

See below example of the pop-up window